Member Profiles: shorty_d
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- shorty_d
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Recent Posts From shorty_d
Hello , I want to intoduce myself and ask for help. Lately I am feeling really down about my height, I am 31 years old man ,it actually never bothered me when I was growing up until lately. I am 1.79 cm when I wake up and it is comming down to 177cm until I go to bed ,I guess I can say I am 5'10 ,I am from Europe and we use centimeters here ,sorry. Don't know if this qualifies me as short ,but the environment I work I am surronded by giants ,and they joked with me and called me shorty and that stuff. I never really payed attention to height before that ,but lately I notice ,that I compare my height with everybody on the street , I got really self-concious and woman I had relationship with noticed this ,basically I screwed the relationship because of this. It just really puts me down when I see all this young kids 6.1 6.2 ,can you give me some advice how to not think about this and go on with my life ? Otherwise I am in good shape ,I workout ,I box ,sometimes I even attract hot chicks ,its just lately my head is messed and I am all the time comparing myself with others about height and its putting me down.