New guy needs help

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New guy needs help
post #1

Hello , I want to intoduce myself and ask for help. Lately I am feeling really down about my height, I am 31 years old man ,it actually never bothered me when I was growing up until lately. I am 1.79 cm when I wake up and it is comming down to 177cm until I go to bed ,I guess I can say I am 5'10 ,I am from Europe and we use centimeters here ,sorry. Don't know if this qualifies me as short ,but the environment I work I am surronded by giants ,and they joked with me and called me shorty and that stuff. I never really payed attention to height before that ,but lately I notice ,that I compare my height with everybody on the street , I got really self-concious and woman I had relationship with noticed this ,basically I screwed the relationship because of this. It just really puts me down when I see all this young kids 6.1 6.2 ,can you give me some advice how to not think about this and go on with my life ? Otherwise I am in good shape ,I workout ,I box ,sometimes I even attract hot chicks ,its just lately my head is messed and I am all the time comparing myself with others about height and its putting me down.

Short Knight
Height: 5'6
Location: Brooklyn, United States
Joined: Apr 16, 2014
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Re: New guy needs help
post #2

Your answer is in your question. Stop comparing yourself to others and build your own brand. There's only one you, and even living in Europe, 5'10 is just under average in the tallest countries, spot on average in most and above average in places like Spain and Italy.