Member Profiles: sushilonair1
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- sushilonair1
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Recent Posts From sushilonair1
Dear friends ,I was searching for different solution for confidence building where I came across this site.ita really wonderful that you guys have such a community.i am happy to share my life's dilemma.kinda use ur advice friends.i am 5ft 3 inch tall ,slim and a height did not grew after college.thats why I always shy away from girls.all well i studied and now in a good position of earning much.but there has been some circumstances where I came across beautiful girls but they all have made me friends.since then I am having a phobia of not having a girl in my life.i am 30,and now afraiding of initiating a relationship.i am thinking I will remain all alone in my life,becuz I donot think any one would love me.i always try to keep myself self motivated and have a good friends circle.