Suggestions for confidence and avoiding the friend zone

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Suggestions for confidence and avoiding the friend zone
post #1

Dear friends ,I was searching for different solution for confidence building where I came across this site.ita really wonderful that you guys have such a community.i am happy to share my life's dilemma.kinda use ur advice friends.i am 5ft 3 inch tall ,slim and a height did not grew after college.thats why I always shy away from girls.all well i studied and now in a good position of earning much.but there has been some circumstances where I came across beautiful girls but they all have made me friends.since then I am having a phobia of not having a girl in my life.i am 30,and now afraiding of initiating a relationship.i am thinking I will remain all alone in my life,becuz I donot think any one would love me.i always try to keep myself self motivated and have a good friends circle.


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Re: Suggestions for confidence and avoiding the friend zone
post #2


Originally posted by sushilonair1 Dear friends ,I was searching for different solution for confidence building where I came across this site.ita really wonderful that you guys have such a community.i am happy to share my life's dilemma.kinda use ur advice friends.i am 5ft 3 inch tall ,slim and a height did not grew after college.thats why I always shy away from girls.all well i studied and now in a good position of earning much.but there has been some circumstances where I came across beautiful girls but they all have made me friends.since then I am having a phobia of not having a girl in my life.i am 30,and now afraiding of initiating a relationship.i am thinking I will remain all alone in my life,becuz I donot think any one would love me.i always try to keep myself self motivated and have a good friends circle.


Have you checked out the "How To Become A Confident Short Man: 10 Steps To Make You Begin Kicking Ass In Life" PDF that you get for free when signing up to this site? Have you checked out some of the Confidence articles around here?

First off, 5'3 is life on hard mode because of the way society views shortness in us men. Second, you have to get out there and face rejection. We all face it. It doesn't matte how tall we are or aren't. You can't make moves without actually making moves.

If you're Banker, you're already "better" than 99% of us as the income you can make in that field puts you ahead of the game. 

Welcome to SGC!

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Re: Suggestions for confidence and avoiding the friend zone
post #3

If you're in the friend zone, you're staying there. Once you find out that you're there, go away. Don't be her friend, nothing. 

If a woman isn't attracted to you, then you're going to be in the friend zone regardless. Be clear with your intentions (though not vulgar or too chatty). If she pulls back, then you exit.