5'1 woman rants about her love of dad bods, but there's a catch

Short Vassal
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Ridiculous Rants
5'1 woman rants about her love of dad bods, but there's a catch
post #1

5'1 Woman Rants About Dad Bods | Height And Dating | ShorGirlProblems | Short King | Short Kingz

This stuff is so fascinating. If this "belly" were on a 5'5 guy, she'd probably gag. 

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Re: 5'1 woman rants about her love of dad bods, but there's a catch
post #2

This is exactly what I was talking about on another post I just created! I didn't catch this one, wow! My thoughts confirmed. 

Someone like myself would never get that wiggle room. 

Short Vassal
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Re: 5'1 woman rants about her love of dad bods, but there's a catch
post #3

I think she's more fascinated with his height and that trait of his amplifies her obsessions with him leaving her guard down for things she might normally be critical of. 

So yeah, height blinds many women to or allow for the "forgiving" of unattractive secondary traits.

I knew this guy who had a slight odor problem (I used to sit next to him in class when I was in college) and it didn't put off women because he had a new one every other week. He was well over 6'.