5'2 Man Smiles When Talking About 5'3 Girlfriend, But There's A Catch.

Short Squire
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5'2 Man Smiles When Talking About 5'3 Girlfriend, But There's A Catch.
post #1

5'2 Man Smiles When Talking About 5'3 Girlfriend | Height And Dating | Short King | Short Kingz

5ft2 man talks about how he wooed his 5ft3 girlfriend of 5 years. There are a couple of red flags in his explanation. You decide. 

You can find this Tik-Tok video here

Short Squire
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Re: 5'2 Man Smiles When Talking About 5'3 Girlfriend, But There's A Catch.
post #2

He is someone's boyfriend out of convenience it looks like.