5 Ft man can't attract women so pays prostitute to live with him

Short Knight
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5 Ft man can't attract women so pays prostitute to live with him
post #1

This story is unbelievably said. A man admits that his being just 5 feet tall and having an ugly face has confined him to being single for most of his adult life. He says that at 31, he hasn't had any relationships and while successful gets absolutely nowhere with women which drove him into a deep depression. To help mitigate the loneliness, he hired a pretty call girl to stay with him 4 days out of the week for the price of $40,000 (I'd guess how much he paid so far).

This is *bleep* horrible. Is the stigma of being a short man that bad that out of billions of people on the planet, a guy that shot is reduced to this? I guess I can applaud him for dealing with the hand he dealt, but could you imagine shelling out that much cash? Worse, he's caught feelz for the woman and you know how that might end up.

You have read the reddit post here. Truly sad but makes me angry how important height is to women. His success in life means diddly squat. 


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Re: 5 Ft man can't attract women so pays prostitute to live with him
post #2

Unbelievably pathetic. If I had that kind of money, I'd invest it in real estate, toys and hobbies. You know, things that would give me a return on my investment. The minute that money dries up, her panties will dry up. The broad doesn't even invite him places so you know it's all about the cheddar.

For that kind of money, I'd find a bunch of gold digging whores in my area and keep them on permanent rotation. 

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Re: 5 Ft man can't attract women so pays prostitute to live with him
post #3

I am sorry but I feel like any man who feels the need to get a prostitute is pathetic. Am I being a douche by saying this? I don't think I am. It is as bad as married men flocking to strip clubs. Blek.

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Re: 5 Ft man can't attract women so pays prostitute to live with him
post #4

Damn now this is just straight up sad. It makes us all look so damn desperate too. This is why women think they can get away with doing anything with a shorter man because they can't find relationships as easy. 

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Re: 5 Ft man can't attract women so pays prostitute to live with him
post #5


Originally posted by Larry

Damn now this is just straight up sad. It makes us all look so damn desperate too. This is why women think they can get away with doing anything with a shorter man because they can't find relationships as easy. 


Not all women feel this way. I mean some will be true and faithful, ect ect. Even with guys like this in the world. I know some guys from school who do crap like this to this day because of other reasons then height... They aren't short. Not as far as living either but using these types of women.