"5 inches taller than my boyfriend"

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"5 inches taller than my boyfriend"
post #1

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Re: "5 inches taller than my boyfriend"
post #2

if I am seeing this I am thinking a girl has issues, maybe she was not asked out by alot of guys and she is a late bloomer and here is guy who is asking her out and she said yes, but as she is going to get older I am going to assure she is going to be less interested in him and wanting to get out of the relationship

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Re: "5 inches taller than my boyfriend"
post #3


Originally posted by d11221

if I am seeing this I am thinking a girl has issues, maybe she was not asked out by alot of guys and she is a late bloomer and here is guy who is asking her out and she said yes, but as she is going to get older I am going to assure she is going to be less interested in him and wanting to get out of the relationship


Where you see it as weakness i see it as strengh in her. I dont think that she has had large issues in her dating life compared to the average girl.
Maybe when she gets older but it also depends on how her friends, family and surrounding enviornment react and interact with her relationship.

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Re: "5 inches taller than my boyfriend"
post #4

I agree with mulit, she is young.  This is puppy love.  3 months from now, it will be history.  she will flop on her back when the first 6' plus man takes an interest in her or her in him.