6'6 man says yes, women constantly mock short men in his presence

Short Vassal
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Height Shaming
6'6 man says yes, women constantly mock short men in his presence
post #1

Straight from the horse's mouth.

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Re: 6'6 man says yes, women constantly mock short men in his presence
post #2

I have a tall friend, about 6'2 who talks about this all of the time. 

He says that when around him, women dog out short guys constantly.

I even remember there was this woman I liked, a mutual friend of ours. She told him I was "short and annoying" and that she couldn't stand whenever I'd come around. What was crazy is that she'd talk to me casually whenever we were in class.

My friend had no reason to hate on me, so it was mind boggling.

While the guy in the video is a bit cringey, I believe him!


Short Vassal
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Re: 6'6 man says yes, women constantly mock short men in his presence
post #3


Originally posted by iReflect

I have a tall friend, about 6'2 who talks about this all of the time. 

He says that when around him, women dog out short guys constantly.

I even remember there was this woman I liked, a mutual friend of ours. She told him I was "short and annoying" and that she couldn't stand whenever I'd come around. What was crazy is that she'd talk to me casually whenever we were in class.

My friend had no reason to hate on me, so it was mind boggling.

While the guy in the video is a bit cringey, I believe him!


Yep. There are a bunch of videos on YouTube where you have men ask women if "height matters".

The body language and level of transparency is always different when the host is tall vs if he's short.