6ft woman pokes fun of and shames a 5'4 man she dated.

Short Knight
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Height Shaming
6ft woman pokes fun of and shames a 5'4 man she dated.
post #1

6 Foot Woman Makes Fun Of 5'4 Short Man She Dated | Short King Spring | Short Kingz

Most of the comments are along the lines of "You're going to kill your genes!" and anything else to slam this short guy. So many saying she's "so funny". How?

Here is the video link: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/goHvMgOKXwM

Short Vassal
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Re: 6ft woman pokes fun of and shames a 5'4 man she dated.
post #2

This reminds me of the jabs Nicole Kidman directed at Tom Cruise after their divorce. Same pot, different dinner lol.