86% of women claim to want complimentary partner. Data says otherwise.

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86% of women claim to want complimentary partner. Data says otherwise.
post #1

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According to a study printed by publication FiveThirtyEight, 86% of women claimed to want a partner who "compliments" them rather than "resembles" them. Data they pulled from over 1 million matches from the website eHarmony while examining 102 traits said otherwise.

Men were satisfied with an 80% similarity in looks, interests, education, creativity and income, however women were far more strict. The review of data was done in 2014. 

The publication "FiveThirtyEight" is now property of the American Broadcasting Company.

The image above is from the article. You can find the FiveThirtyEight article here

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Re: 86% of women claim to want complimentary partner. Data says otherwise.
post #2

As the saying goes, "Watch what they do, not what they say".

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Re: 86% of women claim to want complimentary partner. Data says otherwise.
post #3

Always watch what people say, not what they do.

If you know, you know.