A friend got asked out by a taller woman...

Short Knight
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A friend got asked out by a taller woman...
post #1

I have a newish friend I met through my cousin. He is short, about my height. Well he hasn't been in a relationship in a while and only ever had one girl. They dated from middle school on till he was 21 then they broke it off for good when she cheated on him with some jock at her college. You can gues his height. Anyways, a woman asked him out but she is 3 inches taller than him and he doesn't feel like he should date her over it. She clearly has no issue so why should he? She is a beautiful woman I don't get it.

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Re: A friend got asked out by a taller woman...
post #2

Some men don't like tall women like some women (most women LOL) don't like short men. I personally wouldn't mind if a woman was a few inches taller but I can see why some men don't like it. Sex can be different and heels will only make her taller.

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Re: A friend got asked out by a taller woman...
post #3

He likely just doesn't want to feel short or put his stress over it on her or the relationship. Like he may know it would come between him so why allow them to care for each other only to end up falling apart. 

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Re: A friend got asked out by a taller woman...
post #4

It doesn't bug me when a woman is taller but I have a thing for long legs but I can see why some or even most men don't like it. To each their own. Don't over think it. 

Dark Willow
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Re: A friend got asked out by a taller woman...
post #5

Women come in all different heights, sizes, colors, and so on just as men do. Everyone has a preference but it shouldn't effect how you feel about a person on the inside. Men marry women they can be friends with and women marry men that make them feel loved for who they are.

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Re: A friend got asked out by a taller woman...
post #6

I see you haven't been on  in a bit, what happened with this? I know someone who is/was the same way and he ended up marrying someone 3 inches taller than him.