A reflection on Kent from Kent TV

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A reflection on Kent from Kent TV
post #1

Kent was really going through it in this video. I hope he is seeing better days here in the present. Confidence usually comes from past successes, but some of us have to fake it until we make it. 

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Re: A reflection on Kent from Kent TV
post #2

I really felt bad for Kent. He used to pump out videos regularly on YouTube. His main fault was expressing anger and rage in front of the camera. I hope they eventually scrub all of his videos off of YouTube. If he were to ever get into an argument or situation with a future girlfriend, you can bet they'd use those video against him. 

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Re: A reflection on Kent from Kent TV
post #3

I remember his rants. Epic fail and a lesson for all men, not just short ones. You can't put all of your stock into a finding or having a relationship. You have to pursue your passion.