Aaron Clarey tells short guys they shouldn't date. Do you agree?

Short Lord
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Aaron Clarey tells short guys they shouldn't date. Do you agree?
post #1

Before anyone gets triggered. It's worth a listen. I agree with his overall premise. You'd have to watch the video to understand it.

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Re: Aaron Clarey tells short guys they shouldn't date. Do you agree?
post #2

Sounds like he is saying to focus on self and if the right opportunity comes along and it's genuine, go all in. Solid advice in my book. 


Short Knight
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Re: Aaron Clarey tells short guys they shouldn't date. Do you agree?
post #3

if what is being claimed in this video were true, there would be FAR fewer single, lonely short, ugly men in the world as many of us have self improved for years but it has had zero impact on our dating life. it's just another red pill cope which offers only lies & false hope.  anyone who believes that non-physical aspects can make up for sub par height & looks is either selling something or not living in reality.