About preferences...

Dark Willow
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About preferences...
post #1

Refusing to date a short guy isn’t a preference. It’s a deal breaker. I have a preference for brunettes but I’d still date a blonde. Too many women use “preference” to try and not sound like shallow bitches. If you refuse to date someone based on one thing that’s completely outside of their control, that has nothing to do with preference. Refusing to date a guy SOLELY because he is short is shallow by definition. Having a preference for taller guys is one thing; flat out refusing to date a guy who’s short is completely another.


I saw this comment under an article. I thought it was interesting. I mean what he says makes sense. I mean you can have a tall preference but to completely say you will not date a man of shorter height PERIOD is shallow. 

Jelly Kelly
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Re: About preferences...
post #2

So by this guys logic, saying you refuse to date fat people is okay?

I mean I get his point but there is something that always bothered me when it came to preferences... If you prefer it and you are dating "other than" it, that is giving the person you are dating low self esteem and self worth. I prefer dark hair on men, so I don't date blondes. Does that make me a bitch? I don't think so! I don't want the person I am dating to think I think less of them.

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Re: About preferences...
post #3

It is overused by women. If you won't date someone because they are short, or blonde, or have brown eyes, it is beyond a preference.

Then again, would you call a white, Asian, Hispanic woman who wont date black men a racist?

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Re: About preferences...
post #4


Originally posted by Catman It is overused by women. If you won't date someone because they are short, or blonde, or have brown eyes, it is beyond a preference. Then again, would you call a white, Asian, Hispanic woman who wont date black men a racist?


This isn't so black and white. Sure the guy makes a great point. I mean I don't like Asian women and wont date them becaue I don't find them attractive. Does that mean I am racist?!? No! I am just not attracted to their appreance. (Likely one of very few men to say this LOL) 

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Re: About preferences...
post #5

It an go either way. I mean if someone told me they don't like blondes then started dating me, I would feel weird because I am blonde but at the same time, maybe I would feel empowered because our of all the brunettes in the world, he chose me, a blonde!

Mr Dixon
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Re: About preferences...
post #6


Originally posted by SharkApple It an go either way. I mean if someone told me they don't like blondes then started dating me, I would feel weird because I am blonde but at the same time, maybe I would feel empowered because our of all the brunettes in the world, he chose me, a blonde!


I was going to say something along these lines because I try to look at the positive aspect of things. Spent too long being negeative.  

Jelly Kelly
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Re: About preferences...
post #7


Originally posted by SharkApple It an go either way. I mean if someone told me they don't like blondes then started dating me, I would feel weird because I am blonde but at the same time, maybe I would feel empowered because our of all the brunettes in the world, he chose me, a blonde!


I don't hold preferences against someone because I have them myself. It isn't a big deal really. 

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Re: About preferences...
post #8

Same here. We all have ideas of what we like and don't like. Why be with someone if you aren't attracted to them? I prefer certain things but because someone doesn't have all of them, doesn't mean I will kick them to the curb.

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Re: About preferences...
post #9


Originally posted by Jelly Kelly


Originally posted by SharkApple It an go either way. I mean if someone told me they don't like blondes then started dating me, I would feel weird because I am blonde but at the same time, maybe I would feel empowered because our of all the brunettes in the world, he chose me, a blonde!


I don't hold preferences against someone because I have them myself. It isn't a big deal really. 


Everyone in the world has this ideal mate in their mind. The people who let the small things change how they feel about someone are insecure. 

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Re: About preferences...
post #10

Everyone is allowed to have preferences. Preferences aren't discrimination. No one has a right to tell you who to be intimate with. I don't date fat chicks and women tell me I'm a douchebag for not dating them. Do I care? No sir! My selection of women may be smaller than a tall guy's selection, but I still am not going to date who I am not attracted to. Period.