About preferences...

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Re: About preferences...
post #11


Originally posted by HarryManiac Everyone is allowed to have preferences. Preferences aren't discrimination. No one has a right to tell you who to be intimate with. I don't date fat chicks and women tell me I'm a douchebag for not dating them. Do I care? No sir! My selection of women may be smaller than a tall guy's selection, but I still am not going to date who I am not attracted to. Period.


My thoughts exactly. I mean why should a guy be considered an ass for not finding something attractive? We all have our own taste and there are plenty of men and women to choose from. 

Dark Willow
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Re: About preferences...
post #12


Originally posted by GoKnicks


Originally posted by Catman It is overused by women. If you won't date someone because they are short, or blonde, or have brown eyes, it is beyond a preference. Then again, would you call a white, Asian, Hispanic woman who wont date black men a racist?


This isn't so black and white. Sure the guy makes a great point. I mean I don't like Asian women and wont date them becaue I don't find them attractive. Does that mean I am racist?!? No! I am just not attracted to their appreance. (Likely one of very few men to say this LOL) 

I get what you mean. Just because you don't like to "date" a certain race or find them sexually attractive it doesn't make you a racist so why would a height preference  make a woman a bad person?

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Re: About preferences...
post #13

I wont date bigger women (I am talking 50+ pounds over weight). I just am not attracted to that. Thick girls, all day though. I am not saying it to be mean, it is what I am attracted to. I wouldn't want a woman dating me who wasn't attracted to me as much because of my height.