Allow me to introduce myself

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Allow me to introduce myself
post #1

It is so wonderful that a place like this exists. I found this place by googling "Short Guys". I'm 5'4, 26 and am a Guidance Director for my district. When I was in my late teens, I was in denile about how "important" height was. When I got to college I complete understood what being short men to society. I am successful by anyone's imagination but deal with heightism from time to time.

Anyway, I look forward to chatting with all of you!

Short Lord
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Re: Allow me to introduce myself
post #2

Welcome Charlie! It is good to see more members finding this place. Feel free to vent or share anything you like. I am always looking to talk and vent. haha

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Re: Allow me to introduce myself
post #3

We all deal with height issues with other people and it is a shame. Seems like the more you make, the higher up you are, the more crap you hear. Keep being you bro.

Dark Willow
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Re: Allow me to introduce myself
post #4


Originally posted by CharlieHaus

It is so wonderful that a place like this exists. I found this place by googling "Short Guys". I'm 5'4, 26 and am a Guidance Director for my district. When I was in my late teens, I was in denile about how "important" height was. When I got to college I complete understood what being short men to society. I am successful by anyone's imagination but deal with heightism from time to time.

Anyway, I look forward to chatting with all of you!

Welcome dude. That is a major title to have for only being 26. Congrats on that!



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Re: Allow me to introduce myself
post #5

Hi Charlie!! I am one of maybe 4 female voices here. I have always dated shorter men and it has never been an issue for me because I am short. I am sorry women knock you down because their are ego-boosted barbies.