Any of you have success with online dating?

Short Cadet
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any of you have success with online dating?
post #1

I'm pretty short and did the old bump up your height trick and sure enough received more responses. If I put my actual height I get nothing. I have heard of short guys who had luck with OLD and since I don't know any personally I figured I'd ask you what you did to score dates.

Short Baron
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Re: any of you have success with online dating?
post #2

I always score but I admit to fudging my height up by an inch. Faking 5'8 gives me a huge advantage but there have been a few instances where a woman said "sorry I don't do short men".

Short Knight
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Re: any of you have success with online dating?
post #3

After a long long drought I had 2 dates this week! One was taller than me too! We hit it off because we shared a love of football. The conversations were nice and led to us eating at a restaurant. I didn't hear back from woman #1 but have another date with woman #2 next week so if you are struggling just be patient and remember that women are bombarded with messages.

Short Knight
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Re: any of you have success with online dating?
post #4

I do okay but I think it's because at my age women are less fussy about height. I usually get replies.

Short Squire
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Re: any of you have success with online dating?
post #5

No. I have much better success IRL

Short Vassal
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Re: any of you have success with online dating?
post #6

I've done the math. For every 10 messages I send out, I get two responses. That isn't that bad when you look at the articles that claim short men get messages once every two years.