Any success on Tinder?

Short Knight
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Any success on Tinder?
post #1

Any of you using Tinder? I see plenty of profiles where women say to swipe left if you are under 6', but even at my age, I am having a lot of success using it. What are your experiences?

Short Baron
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Re: Any success on Tinder?
post #2

On Tinder your face can make up for your height to a certain point. It's a hook up app and the women who stress 6 ft push that idea harder for relationships.

Short Squire
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Re: Any success on Tinder?
post #3

I've seen a bunch of profiles that tell you to swipe left if you are under 6 feet. So what? Leave them alone. If I were 6 feet, I'd pump and dump all of the size queens because I'd be in high demand. Let them fend for themselves. Most of them will be crying about where all the good guys have gone when they hit the wall at 30+.

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Re: Any success on Tinder?
post #4

Must be up to the individual. I met and slept with quite a few women from Tinder and they had no problem with my height.

Short Baron
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Re: Any success on Tinder?
post #5

I got a few dates off of Tinder. Don't know how I did it.