Anyone catch the last finals game?

Short Knight
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Anyone catch the last finals game?
post #1

I was shocked. I mean I knew Cavs werent going to win but to be at home and lose, I was really taken back. It isn't LeBron's fault, they were missing 3 main players. I thought it was a great series but the last game was disapointing. 

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Re: Anyone catch the last finals game?
post #2

I watched most of it. I was hopen to see LeBron and the Cavs win since he went back and told everyone it wasn't going to happen the firts year. I think they would have won it if it wasnt for Kevin Love and Kyrie Irving being hurt.

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Re: Anyone catch the last finals game?
post #3

I skipped it. I didn't care for either team playing. I have to atleast like one of the teams to watch. Same with Super Bowl. I didn't watch a single finals game.



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Re: Anyone catch the last finals game?
post #4

My brother was over watching it with me. It was a good game to me. I actually enjoyed the whole series. I wan't Golden State to win as I am not a big fan of LeBron.


Short Knight
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Re: Anyone catch the last finals game?
post #5

I caught the end of it. I am not that into bball anymore but from what I heard, the series was one of the best they had in years.