Anyone here Short and Black?

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Anyone here Short and Black?
post #1

How do you think your experiences differ from that of white dudes?

Short Knight
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Re: Anyone here Short and Black?
post #2

Not black, but Puerto Rican. I'll tell you that while I have gotten some negative feedback over my lifetime, I know for a fact it isn't as negative as it might be for a black or white person. People expect us to be short. Not to sound racist but my black friends in high school who were short always did better with non-black girls.

Short Knight
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Re: Anyone here Short and Black?
post #3

Im "half" black on the lighter side. 

Here in Denmark, the only black people are from somalia.
Despite of heavily tan as i am, or black. We all get the same rep, which is bad.
Dating can be defficult, people crossing to the opposite side of the sidewalk cause they dont want to meet you halfway when walking towards you.

But i tend to look at it on the bright side.

I dont need to farm sun during sommer time, and i dont really lose any tan in the winter.
I dont need sunscreen.

Im kinda hot and my color have a lot to do with it. 

I look better with a fade haircut than white dudes do.

My skin color makes up for the lack of respect that my height doesnt give, People fear me more cause im judged for being a hardcore convicted felon (or however people view me).


But ofc, any immingrant will have to handle a lot of *bleep* during his lifetime. The social media is kind hardcore.
The endless "racism" jokes are crappy, like we havnt heard them before.

The worst kind tho'. Is the passive judgement, when people dont want to talk to you or initiate a conversation, and you can just feel its cause they are holding back, judging me.


Once they talk to me, they always say, wooooow, i did not expect that you are so articulate.

Last Edited By multinational (2017-04-01 13:58:52)