Anyone salty when they hear women talk about "body acceptance"?

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Anyone salty when they hear women talk about "body acceptance"?
post #1

Like it bogs my mind when I hear women talk about or read articles about how men should accept women of all body types when they as a group do not do the same. Like, we're "supposed" to like big women, skinny women, obese women, tall women.... but men have a narrow range of body types to be considered attractive i.e. tall, muscular or thin.

I cannot begin to tell you how many dating profiles saying "I am a big girl so fat men won't work". What???????

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Re: Anyone salty when they hear women talk about "body acceptance"?
post #2

I hear you.  From our perspective it can be a double standard.  But, honestly, we all have, and should have, preferences.  I refused to ever date women who were taller than I am, which knocks out half the female population.  I wouldn't even consider dating women in the other half.   So, I guess I leave room for everyone to rule out some people.  That said, it has always troubled me that the ideal for men as you said above is SUCH a narrow range.  


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Re: Anyone salty when they hear women talk about "body acceptance"?
post #3

There is an awesome article where Radio Host Mumia Obsidian Ali talks about this very topic. He examines People Magazine's Sexiest Man going all the way back to 1985 and found that with the exception of one person (Tom Cruise), every man was 5'10-6'2, white and ripped (Denzel Washington was the only Non-White).


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Re: Anyone salty when they hear women talk about "body acceptance"?
post #4

Honestly that is a VERY good point, i dont know why i never thought of that. That is a argument winning statement. Thank you that very strong card!