Are most incels short?
This is a multiple choice poll.
Poll Expired: 31-Aug-2017
Incels are short
0% of voters (0 Votes)
Being incel has little to do with height
100% of voters (1 Votes)
1 Total votes

Are incels generally shorter than average?

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Are incels generally shorter than average?
post #1

Was reading a post on reddit about "incels" (men who are involuntarily celibate) and how they are generally shorter than average. But by rummaging through most of that sub-reddit, many of those guys self-report as average height or tall. This leads me to believe that most of these self diagnosed incels aren't incels because of their height, but because they are under average in facial attractiveness, have weak physiques or can't socialize. 

What's your take on this? Any of you consider yourselves as "incels"?

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Re: Are incels generally shorter than average?
post #2

I say no. A little extreme but if you think of those incels who shot up women out of rage, Eliot Rogers was short but the guy who shot the women in the gym George Sodino was pretty tall. I think it's personality more than anything else 

Here is the George Sodini story: