Best Jim Carey movies?

Short Knight
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best Jim Carey movies?
post #1

Me and a few buddies are starting a monthly movie day where one day out of the month we binge watch movies by a specific actor. Well, we through a bunch of names together and Jim Carey was picked first. Anyways, I need to think of some of his best movies. So far I have Liar Liar, Ace Ventura, and Dumb & Dumber. I need to get 6 movies though so I need three more. 

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Re: best Jim Carey movies?
post #2

I liked Yes Man and Bruce Almighty. Those were two of my favorites by him. Much better than dumb and dumber. 

Short Knight
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Re: best Jim Carey movies?
post #3

Me, myself & Irene

The Cable Guy (my personal favorite of his)

I love you Phillip Morris

Batman Forever

The number 23


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Re: best Jim Carey movies?
post #4

I'm not sure if you're still doing this. But Me myself and Irene and Truman Show are both amazing. Especially The Truman Show. It has a great message. 

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Re: best Jim Carey movies?
post #5


Originally posted by tj3333

I'm not sure if you're still doing this. But Me myself and Irene and Truman Show are both amazing. Especially The Truman Show. It has a great message. 

I forgot about the Truman Show! That movie is so good! I kinda want to see if I can find it on Netflix. I watched it for the first time a few years ago.

Short Knight
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Re: best Jim Carey movies?
post #6

Thanks guys! I completely forgot about half of these. We are doing it tmorrow so I will be picking these up shortly.