Black women angry at Hinge say changing race gives better options

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Black women angry at Hinge say changing race gives better options
post #1

I don't know where to begin on this. This is no shade at Black Women, but we all know the reality of the dating hierarchy. This complaint to me falls on deaf ears. Of course if you change your race you will get more options. If I changed my height to 6'4, yes, I'll attract super models, women in high earning professions and the whole nine.

My response to this is no spit Sherlock... 

Short Squire
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Re: Black women angry at Hinge say changing race gives better options
post #2

Almost every short guy who has ever tried online dating has tried changing their height after all else fails (no matches) to see if that is what the problem is. This is their version of that. The solution is the "same", "Have a more pleasant personality", "get off of the dating apps and meet people in real life", "keep searching until you find someone who likes you, they're out there".

I'm not reveling in their misfortune, but I know it stings when they hear the same advice people give us because "it's not suppose to happen to them".