But he isn't tall enough.

Short Cadet
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But he isn't tall enough.
post #1

"I am a Navy Seal, have completed 10 successful missions, am decorated and have the respect of my entire unit."

But you're short!

"I play 28 instruments, have toured on 6 continents, have products bearing my name and have 2 platinum records"

But you're short!

"I have a black belt, have won 40 tournaments, am undefeated and have fought guys both big and small"

But you're short!

"I have a Masters Degree and two PhD in STEM related disciplines"

But you're short!

This has the be the most annoying most widely accepted view that no matter how much a man has accomplished, it means diddly squat if he is short. Being short is promoted like it is some irredeemable quality. I have been around associated in a social situations and heard this and even with women I've dated. I could say almost all with the exception of one has bought this up. Can you imagine if a woman said:

"I just finished my bachelors in molecular biology" 

and then I responded, "but you have small breasts"

Any woman would be livid over such a statement.

After hearing this often if enough, it rots you from the core. I have friends who never suggest me as a potential date for their female associates because I am the "short one". I'm at the point where even if I met someone nice, I'd have this at the back of my head. 


Short Knight
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Re: But he isn't tall enough.
post #2

Holy cow thats a lot of bad ass accomplishments.

Im not even gonna have as much as one tenth of what you have on paper.


How ever what i have experience on is the dating part. I have been victim to hardcore discrimination.
That part of heightism will bring you down to your knees, and never let you get up again, question is; how well can you fight on your knees?

You will find someone eventually, i just use online dating, its easier for someone like us. It does how ever require a skillset, but you will learn it within pretty fast. 
In fact yes, you will constantly think about it, its not really gonna get better, you will just get tired of spening all your energy thinking about it.