Can one actually get taller?

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Can one actually get taller?
post #1

I'm 5'2'' and I have high doubts that it's possible to actually get taller. Is it even possible? Is there actual surgery or vitamins/supplements that can actually help me get taller in some way? I'm just very skeptical to be honest with you all. 

Sammy JK
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Re: Can one actually get taller?
post #2

I honestly don't know. I believe some people can take growth hormones, but it would need to be taken early on in life, like at a certain age. I personally think we all should be happy with who were are and not worry about our height. I think people should see the beauty in people rather than seeing problems they see as being problems. 

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Re: Can one actually get taller?
post #3

Some people can take growth hormones? The FDA has approved growth hormones for use in kids even if they don't require it. It's lead to a slippery slope with many parents giving their kids they stuff creating a height race which is horrible. 


Once your bones have ossified (growth plates) growth is IMPOSSIBLE short of limb lengthening surgery, which could lead to all sorts of joint problems, lost wages and limited mobility later in life. Would you risk all of that for an inch or two max?