Can tall white men struggle in dating or are they not trying?

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Can tall white men struggle in dating or are they not trying?
post #1

Statistically speaking tall white men dominate in the dating market. We're talking 5'11 and up. I remember reading some study (it might have been OK Cupid), where they observed that taller white men received the most matches on dating sites with all races. When I watch travel vlogs on YouTube about people who travel, their experiences dating cross-culturally seem to line up to studies like the one I mentioned.

So, is it possible for taller white men to struggle with dating? If they "do", would you say it's from just not trying enough since they are in the highest demand? 

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Re: Can tall white men struggle in dating or are they not trying?
post #2

they may struggle with long term dating because of other factors but will never have a shortage of interest from women-especially if he is also above average facially.