Would a comment like this coming from a child offend you?
This is a multiple choice poll.
Poll Expired: 30-Jun-2016
33% of voters (1 Votes)
33% of voters (1 Votes)
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33% of voters (1 Votes)
3 Total votes

Child made comment on short man

Short Lord
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Child made comment on short man
post #1

How would you view this...

A small child points out a man who is clearly short by calling him a "small daddy". The mother did nothing to correct the child, but just runs away in embarrassment. 

How do you take something like this? Like if it were you that it happened to?

Dark Willow
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Re: Child made comment on short man
post #2

The child would be observing and making an innocent comment. It is nothing to take to heart but the mother should have corrected the child instead of running away.

Mr Dixon
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Re: Child made comment on short man
post #3

I would be offended. I voted yes. Not because the child said what they said but because the parent obviously doesn't teach them there are different heights in the world. 

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Re: Child made comment on short man
post #4

I don't know what I would do. I think it depends on the moment. I could see myself becoming offended but at the same time, I can see myself laughing it off. 

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Re: Child made comment on short man
post #5

Children say whatever comes to mind, it's the parents that make the difference. If they correct the kid, no problem. But I've had parents laugh after the kid makes a comment on my height. It's really difficult not to relentlessly beat them in front of their kid.