Could you date a really tall woman?

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Could you date a really tall woman?
post #1

Could you date a really tall woman? Say this woman is around 6'4'' or something like that, and say you're my height, 5'3''. Could you date said woman? Or would it be too hard? Also, do you think a woman at that height would ever date a man that height? I don't think height matters all that much, but sometimes people can a bit picky these days. 

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Re: Could you date a really tall woman?
post #2

My ex girlfriend was 6'1 and I'm 5'5. We were platonic friends at first and then it just happend. We were together for 3 years. We broke up becuase I took a new job and she couldn't leave her family and sick father behind. I certainly wouldn't mind a height difference if she doesn't mind. 

Last Edited By TheGreatest (2014-04-19 14:27:18)

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Re: Could you date a really tall woman?
post #3

I had a girlfriend of a couple of years that was 5'9", and it worked out ok. As for 6 foot plus, it would not be my ideal situation, but I would not discriminate if I really liked her.

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Re: Could you date a really tall woman?
post #4

> mike5f4 wrote: >

I had a girlfriend of a couple of years that was 5'9", and it worked out ok. As for 6 foot plus, it would not be my ideal situation, but I would not discriminate if I really liked her.


My current girlfriend is one inch taller than me, but when she wears heels, it's more like 4-5 smiley

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Re: Could you date a really tall woman?
post #5

> TheGreatest wrote: >

My ex girlfriend was 6'1 and I'm 5'5. We were platonic friends at first and then it just happend. We were together for 3 years. We broke up becuase I took a new job and she couldn't leave her family and sick father behind. I certainly wouldn't mind a height difference if she doesn't mind. 


Firstly, I presume the average male is 5'10 where you are.


Ever had problems with disrespect... like males talking to your girlfriend or even flirting with her while ignoring you?

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Re: Could you date a really tall woman?
post #6

I used to get that when I was a thin guy. I started working out and ended up with 15 in bicepts. That put a stop to that.

Not everyone is going to hit the gym like I did, so you're going to have to be ready for that kind of disrespectful behavior in club settings. Then again, you could always find a woman who is not into the club scene and take it from there. But you are going to deal with that no matter what height you are.

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Re: Could you date a really tall woman?
post #7

I dated a woman who was 6'3 hahaha.