Coworker won't get off of my case!

Short Knight
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Coworker won't get off of my case!
post #1

Everybody I tell this to won't take me seriously. There is a coworker at work that has a major crush on me and she won't leave me alone. She'a always winking at me when I come to work. She blows kisses to me, always tries to have conversation with me and asks me out repeatedly. Even though I've told her that I have a girflriend and am not interested in her whatsoever, she still makes passes at me and isn't discreet about it either.


So my birthday day was a few weeks ago and I got a present delivered to my desk. Baseball tickets. I thought my girlfriend sent them to me so I called my GF to tell her thanks only for her to get mad and tell me she didn't send them to me. So now I'm in trouble! Later that night, I got a mesage on Facebook from my co-worker (she isn't my friend on FB) wishing me well and telling me she sent the tickets. I told her no thank you and that I would give them back to her. She refused but later changed her mind and said she was sorry for being unprofessional. I thought that was it.


Wrong! It's not as often as before, but at least once a week she will ask me out, send notes to my desk, and once she even grabbed my butt while I was walking to one of the back offices. I don't know what to do now. My girlfriend trusts me, so I am okay with that. But it seems like me telling this woman to stop is not working. I am wondering whether or not I should contact my GM or what my next step should be. 




Short Knight
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Re: Coworker won't get off of my case!
post #2

I work in retail by the way.

Short Squire
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Re: Coworker won't get off of my case!
post #3

You should call your GM or DM like yesterday! I worry that your cries won't be taken seriously since you're in retail AND because you're a man, but the longer you wait, the more it will seem like you like the attention and aren't upset with it.

Short Baron
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Re: Coworker won't get off of my case!
post #4

Have you considered changing your schedule so you two don't have to see each other at work. If your GM gives you flack, this might be a good way to help calm things down.

Block her on FB immediately and do not take to any outside, unprofessional conversation. If she approaches you, politely and quickly remove yourself from any kind of contact involving her. Ask your GM to prevent you two from working together, even on projects at any time.

You can get through this. You have to be consistent and firm.

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Re: Coworker won't get off of my case!
post #5

You need a paper trail. Send her a letter via USPS, Email or hand one to her oultining everything that has happened complete with times, dates and places and wrap it up with a reminder that this will be HER LAST WARNING and that any more inappropriate approaches will get a copy of that letter in the hands of your GM or superiors.


HR hates cases like these but will deal with them swiftly if they have to because it is the LAW. That and they will love it that a lot of the work would have been done already for them.

Last Edited By minilinebacker (2014-05-25 12:56:50)