Daily Mail reports Congress Shooter as 5'6, "rude" "lonely" & "creepy"

Short Lord
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Daily Mail reports Congress Shooter as 5'6, "rude" "lonely" & "creepy"
post #1

Daily Mail Hates Short Men | ShortGuyCentral

You literally can't make stuff like this up. What does his height have to do with anything? We have tens of mass shootings every year in the U.S. and if the man is average height or tall, they never bring his height up. If a guy is short all of a sudden all of his psychological issues are somehow related to his stature.

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Re: Daily Mail reports Congress Shooter as 5'6, "rude" "lonely" & "creepy"
post #2

as someone said the Daily Mail is infamous for its bashing of the short males as well as other "minorities" they are able to get away with, it is about as trashy of a publication that is out there but it is very popular