Dating is all about style folks...

Short Vassal
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Dating is all about style folks...
post #1

I'm 27 and 5'7. I am never short on dates (pun intended). The key is being confident in one self and not letting anything get to you. If someone doesn't want to talk to you because of your height, let them go. It will suck being turned down for your height, but it really is their loss. Confidence doesn't get rid of heightism, but allowing yourself to be in control of your own emotions is one way to defeat it from within. And don't be afraid to speak your mind either. 

Last Edited By JamesFreakingFranco (2014-04-13 19:52:15)

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Re: Dating is all about style folks...
post #2

Ugh. I really hope this place isn't going to become a long lecture about how if you're a short guy who can't find a partner you just need more confidence. I think the word confidence itself needs some deconstruction, and how is it some people have it and others don't? If you could simply will it into being everyone would just do that. If you're able to feel confident in yourself and do well in the dating scene then that's great for you, but please don't lecture others whose life exoeriences and temperament are different to yours.

Last Edited By HandyMcKay (2014-04-06 03:34:39)

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Re: Dating is all about style folks...
post #3

I didn't get "confidence" or a "lecture" from this (though he mentions it), but more so him telling his story and not giving a hoot about what anyone thinks. There's truth to this. Too many guys pedastalize women they don't even know. Remember, you're the catch. But Handy McKay, why not talk about some of your own experiences, after all, this site is supposed to be about success. 

Short Vassal
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Re: Dating is all about style folks...
post #4

Not saying that at all. Just saying that I don't care what anyone else thinks of me. I agree with you though. Confidence will not work if someone has already prejudged you.