Dating when your short (via Match)

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Dating when your short (via Match)
post #1


It’s hard out there for a shrimp. Chalk it up to cold Darwinism, cultural standards, or the simple feminine desire to have a man around who can reach the top shelf, but just about every stature study in the last twenty years confirms what short guys already know: Women prefer taller men. But that doesn’t mean shorter men are doomed in the dating department. In fact, lots of men who fall under America’s 5’9” male average date with great success — often with taller women. Their playbook, honed by necessity, is all about evening the odds and picking up subtle signs of interest that their loftier brothers might ignore. Not convinced? Let these men’s struggles and solutions prove otherwise. 


Read the article and share your thoughts on this. I agree that confidence is better than height any day. A woman wants a man who knows who he is and is comfortble in his skin because the average woman is not. 

Last Edited By SharkApple (2015-04-08 17:55:56)

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Re: Dating when your short (via Match)
post #2

I have to say it. Starting out with "It’s hard out there for a shrimp" automatically makes me hate Match. Am I jumping the gun with this? I mean that is pretty damn insulting starting a post off with an insult/joke.

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Re: Dating when your short (via Match)
post #3


Originally posted by Dale I have to say it. Starting out with "It’s hard out there for a shrimp" automatically makes me hate Match. Am I jumping the gun with this? I mean that is pretty damn insulting starting a post off with an insult/joke.


Same. I lost instant respect for the site. They probably do the same for fatter or very thin people as well. I can't take a dating site seriously when they open a serious problem with a joke. 

Last Edited By Spider (2015-04-30 18:18:19)

Mr Dixon
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Re: Dating when your short (via Match)
post #4


Originally posted by Spider


Originally posted by Dale I have to say it. Starting out with "It’s hard out there for a shrimp" automatically makes me hate Match. Am I jumping the gun with this? I mean that is pretty damn insulting starting a post off with an insult/joke.


Same. I lost intant respet for the site. They probably do the same for fatter or very thin people as well. I can't take a dating site seriously when they open a serious problem with a joke. 


Serious problem? So you are saying being short is a "serious problem"!? I think you have been conditioned to believe things my friend.  

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Re: Dating when your short (via Match)
post #5

My only complaint with this is how they approached as a problem like it was a disease or something.

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Re: Dating when your short (via Match)
post #6

Not what I meant Dixon. I meant it in the psychological stand point. Like it is a serious problem like bulimia or anorexia. Mental, not physical.