Delusional short woman rants about unfair competition for taller men

Short Squire
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Ridiculous Rants
Delusional short woman rants about unfair competition for taller men
post #1

Delusional Short Woman Rants About Unfair Competition For Taller Men | Height And Dating | Short Guys | Short King | Short Kingz

All of this nonsense just to say, "ShOrT wOmEn sHoUlD bE aBlE tO lIkE tAlLeR gUyS tOo aNd sHoUlDn'T hAvE tO dAtE sHoRt gUyS"

I can't stand people who think this way. If you don't want to date shorter guys, fine. Just keep your disappointment that you have to compete against tall women for tall men to yourself and keep taking those Ls when you restrict yourselves to only them. 

Short Squire
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Re: Delusional short woman rants about unfair competition for taller men
post #2

I saw that post and that was my takeaway. They know damn well that the average shorter guy doesn't think this way, let alone have tall women interested in them. Most of the dudes they're talking about would be elated just to have a short woman look in their direction.

The comments on the overall thread were brutal.

Short Knight
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Re: Delusional short woman rants about unfair competition for taller men
post #3

Sorry lady... the 6 footers you're trying to date are allowed to have their own preferences because they have the pick of the litter.

To you, we're non-existent and completely invisible. No one should feel sorry for those fools at all.