Do bigger girls care more about height?

Short Knight
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Do bigger girls care more about height?
post #1

I was talking about this with a friend and he believes women who are bigger or curvier want taller men. He said this was because they wanted to feel smaller and more lady like. If they are with short guys, it makes them look bigger. What do you think?

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Re: Do bigger girls care more about height?
post #2

It comes down to how they feel about themselves. I hate to say it but looking at how women are treated based on their body type... It is no wonder they feel like they need to have a more manly dude to feel good. Tall means they look smaller. I agre with that.

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Re: Do bigger girls care more about height?
post #3

I think women do have it bad as far as being presured into standards but at the same time, they need to stand up for themselves and break away from that crap.

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Re: Do bigger girls care more about height?
post #4

Women are tricked into poor self esteem. It is all part of marketing. If women did feel "good enough" they wouldn't buy all the make-up, expensive clothing, hair products... Men wouldn't have to try so hard to impress them because they love themselves so love comes easy.

Short Vassal
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Re: Do bigger girls care more about height?
post #5

In my experience definitely. A a bigger girl is more self-concious and critical of her weight and wants to look as small as possible next to her weight. This is a generalization of course. I do remember when I was with a bigger woman she loved me and I ended the relationship for other reasons, but she would complain how we would look together in pictures. She'd always say "OMG I look too fat!".