Do you stay in or go out?

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Do you stay in or go out?
post #1

When in a relationship, I usually just like to stay in and watch a show on netflix. I mean, don't you like to just relax with your loved one instead of making a night of paying for things? I know some will disagree with me, but I love to stay in with my girlfriend and just spend time with her watching shows or making dinner for each other. She loves to lounge around, as do I, so it's perfection. 

Do you prefer to stay in or go out?

Short Vassal
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Re: Do you stay in or go out?
post #2

Depends. I like to go out at least once a week just for myself. In a relationship, nights in are nice even when its often. I wouldn't get comfortable with that though because routine = boring, and one of you will get tired of it quickly.