Does certain colors appeal more to women?

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Does certain colors appeal more to women?
post #1

When it comes to clothing I mean. My friend told me women are drawn more to men who look passive so colors like green, blue, and white are more attractive where with men, we prefer reds, pinks, and oranges on women. I am not sure if I buy into this or not but for me, I love seeing women with tanned skin wear those colors.

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Re: Does certain colors appeal more to women?
post #2

Hmm I am not sure about this myself. I mean to me, women look amazing in white, gray and black haha Maybe women are different though? We have some women on here, lets get their input. 

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Re: Does certain colors appeal more to women?
post #3

No offense to the question but I am calling BS. Maybe this is the case for animals and babies but women and men are drawn to different colors. My ex loved when I wore yellow. I loved when she wore navy blue. 

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Re: Does certain colors appeal more to women?
post #4

I have heard something like this for men with women but not the other way around. I think smell is more appealing to women then the color a dude wears.

Mr Dixon
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Re: Does certain colors appeal more to women?
post #5

To me, both men and women look best in white, gray, navy blue, and black. I honestly prefer this for myself and on women. All thoses colors go good with any hair color or skin color.