Does it get better in your 30s?

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Re: Does it get better in your 30s?
post #11

I feel your pain, but if it's a 40 year old gal, and you have never met her until just 4 weeks ago, there is no way to know if she would have rejected you as a 22 year old college student. People change. I mean, think of the 45 year old Dad of three daughters who slept with a ton of women in his late teens and twenties. When he looks at his daughters and his adoring wife, he probably feels an enormous amount of shame for what he did.....using girls for the sole purpose of sex and not giving a dang about it. People just do a lot of dumb things and hold a lot of dumb belief systems when they are young. Have faith....people grow out it. Not all the time.

Unless they are incredibly beautiful and young looking for their age and possess a cougar personality, women from their 40's onward are totally stupid to reject men because they are short. They simply don't have the choices they did when they were a 22 year old college student in a string bikini at Lake Havasu. Their boobs and buns are sagging, they wrinkle, they start to lose the ability to have kids......males at 40 onward have so much more optionality. They can still get women pregnant easily. They are attractive to a much larger age of people of the opposite gender. The average 40+ woman who turns down short men is really limiting her options.

Last Edited By greenbook (2017-05-11 13:42:29)

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Re: Does it get better in your 30s?
post #12


Originally posted by greenbook

I feel your pain, but if it's a 40 year old gal, and you have never met her until just 4 weeks ago, there is no way to know if she would have rejected you as a 22 year old college student. People change. I mean, think of the 45 year old Dad of three daughters who slept with a ton of women in his late teens and twenties. When he looks at his daughters and his adoring wife, he probably feels an enormous amount of shame for what he did.....using girls for the sole purpose of sex and not giving a dang about it. People just do a lot of dumb things and hold a lot of dumb belief systems when they are young. Have faith....people grow out it. Not all the time.

Unless they are incredibly beautiful and young looking for their age and possess a cougar personality, women from their 40's onward are totally stupid to reject men because they are short. They simply don't have the choices they did when they were a 22 year old college student in a string bikini at Lake Havasu. Their boobs and buns are sagging, they wrinkle, they start to lose the ability to have kids......males at 40 onward have so much more optionality. They can still get women pregnant easily. They are attractive to a much larger age of people of the opposite gender. The average 40+ woman who turns down short men is really limiting her options.


When you meet a woman for the first time, and she does not sell herself as such an *bleep*, and does not play on her past. THen sure its a go.

But usually you can feel it, and therefore i lose all interest in her.
For me, this is not that simple. Its like someone being unfaithful, killing your dog or what ever. they are the foundation to who i am which i despise.
Before you say "then change" then think how hard it is to change your view and opinions to things when they keep happening. Maybe i will get better when i hit 30. Time heals all wounds right?
I use women too. When i know how they are, i trash them, laughing and saying "did you really believe you deserve someone like me?"
I makes me just as bad, but now is just my time to shine.
When someone controversial comes by, it does last long before she starts showing signs of what i hate. It never lasts longer than a month.