Does it get better in your 30s?

Short Vassal
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Does it get better in your 30s?
post #1

Do women tend to look past height once they get out of their 20s (party phase)?

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Re: Does it get better in your 30s?
post #2

In a sense yeah, but it's up to you to keep an eye out for where a woman's head is. Is she into you because she likes you for you? Did she have an abusive past? Did she sleep around a lot. Did she have a certain type (big men, tall men, ripped men)? How do they compare to you?

People will tell you that stuff isn't important, but it definitely is. I don't just accept anyone when I date. If I see that that her type varied (they always tell you who they dated) and if she has good judgement and balanced baggage (because everyone in their 30s has some type of baggage), then she's good for me.

Be careful of the single mothers (YMMV), women deep in debt and chronic divorcees. 

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Re: Does it get better in your 30s?
post #3

Yes It does get better.  I posted this here before.

After reading this blog and a few others like it, I thought I would present a few tall women episodes in my life during early 20’s, as I was rejected by the women who chased after the Alfa males and showed no more interest in me than glancing at a blade of grass next to the highway traveling at 75 MPH.  And this made me think about my own personal experiences with tall women, a slightly different story from this blog, but same result due to being a Beta male. 

I will start with a 6’ tall girl, in a gym, who talked to me with such a look of disinterested she couldn’t have looked or acted more uninterested if she had wanted to.  I approached another, who I estimated being 5 foot 9 or 10 inches.  She got angry with me for even asking her out and then stuck her finger in my face informing me she didn’t date shorter men.  On line, I met a girl 5’11”, and we worked out together once in my apartment complex gym, after that she did not return my two phone calls, there could be others, too, I just don’t remember them all.  Now, you may say the rejections were because of my looks, that could be true, but as I approached girls closer to my height, my success rate went way up.

This blog also made me think about the rejections by tall girls, and it angered me, but not at the time the rejection.  Only years later, when I actually tallied them up, did I get angry.  I was rejected not because I was fat, bald, ugly, deformed or had a rotten personality.  No.  The reason I was rejected by all of these women was my height.

I did date three women who were significantly taller than me, two at 5’11” and one at 5’10”.  (I am 5’8”)  And all three happened to be 32 years of age, which is more than a coincidence.  No doubt, all three wanted a tall Alfa male, and lost, so a safe Beta male was the next best thing.  I didn’t grow any taller, and I doubt I got better looking.  These women were past their prime and worried.   I was in my late 30’s, at this time of my life, after being married for 10 years.   It was also at this time, I could easily date younger women, and I did.  When I was 38, my first girlfriend was 27, the next was 27 and the next was 24 who became my second wife.  I never dated with any intent of marrying a woman my age.  Younger women had no issue with me dating them, and I certainly had no issue dating them.  I remember going to singles events and seeing very pretty women, who were my age, who I know 15 years earlier wouldn’t have given me the time of day.  And even now, may have looked better than myself, but now it was me who had no interest in approaching them.  I did not want to take time and money away from pursuing younger women.  Why go old, when I could go young?

I am now married and have 4 sons. I could have provided a good life to any girl.  I wanted a taller girl because of the physical turn on and to for fill one of my desires, yet not one single tall girl (in her 20’s) gave me a chance.  I was turned down consistently and without a second thought.  So, if you find yourself in your late 20’s or early 30’s with no prospect of a husband or children, you have no one to blame but yourself.  There were men like me, who wanted a leggy female, but they, like me, were never accorded the opportunity.  (This also applies to average height women, too)  And the reality is that the vast majority of tall women will not even consider a shorter man until it is too late.  You would think it would be obvious that if you included shorter males in your suitor selection, your odds would increase of finding a mate, for there are a lot more short and medium height males than there are taller ones.  So my advice would be to accept the advances of all men and get to know them.  I, who would have relished the opportunity of having curvy broad hips and a tapered waist to hold all night and to make love to into the early hours of the morning, was never, not once, even given a chance to start a relationship.  Thus, throw away the yardstick, for you may find someone like me, who would love to share his life and love with a leggy lady.



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Re: Does it get better in your 30s?
post #4

it is worse in reality, by than the majority of woman are taken, and the ones that are available are still looking for Mr. Right, a short guy is about the last thing a female is desiring if they are in their "beauty" years, and those years are between the ages of 20 and 40, once they are over 40 they are losing their looks and they might be getting a divorce and you might get a few of them who are desperate enough, but for the most part 20-40 is the worst years for a short guy if you are looking for a female who is in your age bracket

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Re: Does it get better in your 30s?
post #5

I'm still in my 20s and have women in their 30s hollering at me. I don't know what to make of it that's why I ask. Women my own age seem to want to have nothing to do with me.

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Re: Does it get better in your 30s?
post #6

There will be a lot of divorced women in their 30’s as well as never married.  This is a golden opportunity for you.  You are in demand, not them, and you can use this to your advantage, as I did.  You can pick and choose, something that women, late in life realize.  I wish I knew about this earlier in life than I did.  Be aggressive and blow off those girls who rebuff you.   It is a numbers game.  I was rejected years ago.  Do I give a *bleep* now?  Not in the least.  Who cares what some dumb a-hole bitch thinks.   She is getting older by the minute as are her eggs.  Time is on your side, not hers.

Read this article and see for yourself.



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Re: Does it get better in your 30s?
post #7


Originally posted by tumD

I'm still in my 20s and have women in their 30s hollering at me. I don't know what to make of it that's why I ask. Women my own age seem to want to have nothing to do with me.

go for it, women have a thing for younger guys, it makes them feel younger, take advantage of it while you can because it is not going to get any better if you are out of your twenties

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Re: Does it get better in your 30s?
post #8


Originally posted by tumD

I'm still in my 20s and have women in their 30s hollering at me. I don't know what to make of it that's why I ask. Women my own age seem to want to have nothing to do with me.


Hahha same! Im in my mid 20s and i find it funny, and i've had some really steamy experiences with them! big_smile

But they are usually just used up. Nothing for a green one like me relationshipwise!

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Re: Does it get better in your 30s?
post #9

See the thread I just put up about "social safety". As women age, they become less and less concerned about what their girlfriends and parents think of their decisions. Hence, they are more willing to date different types of guys. I have come to believe over the years that the dislike of dating short guys has more to do with the people who surround a chick than the chick herself. If she were left to her own devices, a lot more short men would have far less trouble dating girls in their mid-20's and such. Hey, and don't dismiss those women in their late 30's and even late 40's. Some of them are really hot still. Especially if they work out.

Last Edited By greenbook (2017-05-10 16:34:45)

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Re: Does it get better in your 30s?
post #10


Originally posted by greenbook

See the thread I just put up about "social safety". As women age, they become less and less concerned about what their girlfriends and parents think of their decisions. Hence, they are more willing to date different types of guys. I have come to believe over the years that the dislike of dating short guys has more to do with the people who surround a chick than the chick herself. If she were left to her own devices, a lot more short men would have far less trouble dating girls in their mid-20's and such. Hey, and don't dismiss those women in their late 30's and even late 40's. Some of them are really hot still. Especially if they work out.



The problem for me is.
That they once were the ones rejecting me for my height and other factors which is unchangeable. 
Why would i reward someone like that with my award winning soul?