Economist: Online daters less open-minded than their filters suggest

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Economist: Online daters less open-minded than their filters suggest
post #1

The chart in the article by The Economist allows you to select how each gender filters by race, age and height. I have to say after reading the artice and engaging with the chart that none of the data is surprising and regurgitates what most of us already know, especially as it pertains to height.

One thing that stood out as I shared this with friends is how rigid the shortest of men are when it comes to their height filters. Some of my female collegues tried to use this as a "gotchya", with, "see, shorter men don't want to date taller women and there are lots who would date them". I say "WRONG". Shorter men already know they are not sought after by taller women, so they set their filters accordingly. What say you?

The article can be found here

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Re: Economist: Online daters less open-minded than their filters suggest
post #2

Thanks for sharing. Not one suprise here. The so-called "RP" community gets a lot of flack and are targets for the media, but these realities have been talked about by their mouthpieces for as long as they've been around. The data doesn't lie and support each tier - race, age and height. It's great though that an organization as respected as "The Economist" was able to report this by sticking to the numbers. 

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Re: Economist: Online daters less open-minded than their filters suggest
post #3

While I'm not surprised about the data on the chart, what is surprising is HOW MUCH taller women filter by height. Almost 70-80%. They cannot possibly compare their plight to shorter guys!