Member Profiles: shortteacher
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- shortteacher
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Recent Posts From shortteacher
While heightism is rooted in gender norms, it would be pretty dismissive to use the word "just" and claim that "heightism is just sexism". Your admission of "shorter women" not having it as bad as shorter men, and that "taller women" don't have it as bad a shorter men debunks the heart of your claim.
Most of your claims are anecdotal or examples of confirmation bias. It's not to say that what you're saying is 100% wrong, however more like 75%. Where is the actual data to back up your claim? There are too many "buts". For example, feminists love to bring up the "wage gap". Is there is a similar gap between short and tall women? Do short men make more than tall women?
I went online to do a bit of digging and came across an almost fifteen year old post that talks about this very issue. The owner of the blog tries to make a similar case and commentators let him know otherwise.
I like that this piece highlights people who are American born. Sure this may include those who are second generation, but so what? From what I remember, average height only went up and inch or so between the silent generation and Gen-X. It looks like this fluctuates. Who is not to say that in two generations, the average height for men could go back down to 5'8 to even 5'7.5.
I have absolutely experienced this in the workplace, except there was no term for it. Socially, people treat taller men as individuals and shorter men as a group. When tall man is belligerent, he's considered to just be bad person. If a shorter person acts the same way, it's "because of his size".
I don't know that the term "tall man complex" would have the same piercing effect, but that's a good way of putting it, because it definitely is a "complex" that I and many people I know have noticed.
They can't figure out why a shorter man may consider this surgery, yet are calling the man a "hobbit" and other height-related insults. 🙄
Thank god I am happy with who I am, but I fault no other man of modest stature who opts for this kind of surgery. His money, his business.