Aba N Preach - "Short People Won't Exist Soon"

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Leg Lengthening
Aba N Preach - "Short People Won't Exist Soon"
post #1

I rock with Aba N Preach heavily, but am not a fan of a lot of their  recent "short men" videos. One of the first videos I ever saw of Aba N Preach was about heightism, very early in their YouTube career where they pointed out the hypocrisy about women and their battle with body issues versus their attitudes toward shorter guys. It was one of their first viral videos. 

In this video, they cover viral sensation Dynzell Sigers who underwent leg lengthening surgery to go from 5'5 to 6' late last year, and another man named Brian who went from 6' to 6'6! Like a lot of non-short men, they poke fun at Dynzell and other shorter guys by calling them "hobbits" and not being of the "master race", but then can't wrap their heads around why they'd want to escape the constant ridicule. They do end the video on a good note by acknowledging how attitudes toward cosmetic procedures are inching rapidly toward indifference for both men and women considering how common they've become and how people are more open about it. 

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Re: Aba N Preach - "Short People Won't Exist Soon"
post #2

I can't really take some advice for short guys from taller men seriously. Especially on YouTube, every piece of advice on how to deal with height insults is followed by guess what...... a height insult. 

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Re: Aba N Preach - "Short People Won't Exist Soon"
post #3

They can't figure out why a shorter man may consider this surgery, yet are calling the man a "hobbit" and other height-related insults. 🙄

Thank god I am happy with who I am, but I fault no other man of modest stature who opts for this kind of surgery. His money, his business. 

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Re: Aba N Preach - "Short People Won't Exist Soon"
post #4

As long as shorter women are found to be attractive, shorter men will always be around.