Ever won a fight against a guy taller than you?

Short Vassal
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Ever won a fight against a guy taller than you?
post #1

I don't mean like boxing, but like an actual street or bar fight. Say you were being disrespected and needed to defend yourself if it went there. What strategies were useful to win that kind of a fight? I'm obviously short and dislike when people get in my personal space because they feel like I won't do anything back. Share your story. 

Short Vassaless
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Re: Ever won a fight against a guy taller than you?
post #2

Taller guys have more reach, shorter guys (have to) move fast. I've won a few fights with dudes a few inches taller than me, but I wouldn't try to pick a fight with someone like Evander Hollyfield's frame.

Short Knight
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Re: Ever won a fight against a guy taller than you?
post #3

All of the time. You have to go for their core. It's quite easy actually but you have to account for weight and build. My parents knew I was going to be short growing up so they put me in martial arts classes and that's the best thing they ever did. On the surface, people would always bet on the taller person but you never know until you fight.

Short Lord
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Re: Ever won a fight against a guy taller than you?
post #4

I got in a lot of fights back in high school and won most of them. I was and still am a strong mofo. When I was in high school I spent many afternoons in the gym because I used to get picked on for being small and skinny. When I bulked up, I got tested but those tests ended quickly because they realized I could kick their A.