For you positive cultists who say that men don't need to look good

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Re: For you positive cultists who say that men don't need to look good
post #11

I rarely post here but your posts put this back on my radar. 


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Re: For you positive cultists who say that men don't need to look good
post #12


Originally posted by guitarhero

I will say batmanbegins, you've made this place interesting. I've been following your posts for a little while

Wasn't my intention, but I'm glad that you are entertained.


Originally posted by guitarhero

I don't agree with much of what you say,

I would be more than happy to hear which parts you don't agree with and we can break them down.


Originally posted by guitarhero

1. What do short men need to do?

This is a good question. To be honest, I'm really annoyed by these positive cultists who do nothing but spread useless platitudes like:

- "It's perfectly ok to be short" (If it was then this forum wouldn't have existed in the first place, wouldn't you say? Clearly you most likely would need to have some issues with it to even end up here like the user Suarez223 who has confessed that he's been underestimated because of his height)
- "You are perfect at 5'5" (By what standards???)
- "Looks aren't important in men", "Men aren't designed to be pretty" (Have been debunked easily by the studies above. And even without these studies, my life experiences already confirm this. It doesn't take a genius to understand that only ugly people would say "looks don't matter")
- "Confidence and personality are everything and will magically make you as attractive as an insecure 6' tall male model (Have been debunked easily by the studies above as well)

There is big differences between being pessimistic and realistic, and between optimistic and brainwashed ignorant fool.

Supposed I join you in spreading all these useless patitudes. The short guys who hear it in the forum will feel pumped up.

However, when they leave their house. Nothing has changed. They're still short. The perception of other people towards them hasn't changed. And they're still treated the same way as before.

They go home, come back to this forum again to find comfort and console each other. Now we're back to square one.

R/short is a perfect example of this. You can see it for yourself what they have achieved so far after a decade.

I wanted to say to these positive cultists, if they want to make up their own bullshit and live in it. It's their right. But it's very irresponsible to spread misleading information like those.


Originally posted by guitarhero

2. What would make this place better since you don't like how many of the people are here?

It's not my responsibility to make this place better. I came here initially to discuss about my stunted growth and also to motivate others to find a real solution to height, but seems that people just prefer circlejerking.

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Re: For you positive cultists who say that men don't need to look good
post #13


Originally posted by batmanbegins

This is a good question. To be honest, I'm really annoyed by these positive cultists who do nothing but spread useless platitudes like:

- "It's perfectly ok to be short" (If it was then this forum wouldn't have existed in the first place, wouldn't you say? Clearly you most likely would need to have some issues with it to even end up here like the user Suarez223 who has confessed that he's been underestimated because of his height)

Isn't this disingenuous though? There are tens of thousands of forums on different topic and in different niches all over the web. Why do any of them exist? Not every forum exists because people are unhappy to talk about something. In most cases, it's because the people who participate on it have something in common and look for like minded or similarly situated people to discuss.

Why do Honda forums exist? Because there are people who drive Hondas and those who join such a forum would discuss Honda automobiles. They enjoy the product and would like to talk to other people who have them or are experts on the subject.

I've visited r/short before. What this place does not have in common with r/short is the influence of brigaders and trollers. That's why I prefer this place. At least here, we stay on topic.  

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Re: For you positive cultists who say that men don't need to look good
post #14


Originally posted by guitarhero


Originally posted by batmanbegins

This is a good question. To be honest, I'm really annoyed by these positive cultists who do nothing but spread useless platitudes like:

- "It's perfectly ok to be short" (If it was then this forum wouldn't have existed in the first place, wouldn't you say? Clearly you most likely would need to have some issues with it to even end up here like the user Suarez223 who has confessed that he's been underestimated because of his height)

Isn't this disingenuous though? There are tens of thousands of forums on different topic and in different niches all over the web. Why do any of them exist? Not every forum exists because people are unhappy to talk about something. In most cases, it's because the people who participate on it have something in common and look for like minded or similarly situated people to discuss.

Why do Honda forums exist? Because there are people who drive Hondas and those who join such a forum would discuss Honda automobiles. They enjoy the product and would like to talk to other people who have them or are experts on the subject.

I've visited r/short before. What this place does not have in common with r/short is the influence of brigaders and trollers. That's why I prefer this place. At least here, we stay on topic.  

We're not talking about a forum of a product here. We're talking about 'a community for short men'. In other words, short men are isolated from the idea of "normal men".

Sure, maybe not all of you are unhappy, but seeing some of the posts here:

It's safe to conclude that some of these guys are here because they are unhappy with their life.

Anyway, my original point is that it's wrong to say "being short is perfectly ok/good".

Even if you and some other short guys are perfectly happy with their life, that doesn't make it okay to be short.

Maybe they like to be at a disadvantage. Maybe they like to be unattractive. That's not to say that others want to be the same.

Someone might be happy to be desired by a single woman out of millions women despite seen as repulsive by the rest. But others might be not.

I can provide you with all the facts, studies and statistics (just like the ones I posted in this thread and other threads) showing that being short is not okay.

But I don't believe it's necessary, because we all know the truth at this point.

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Re: For you positive cultists who say that men don't need to look good
post #15


Originally posted by batmanbegins


Even if you and some other short guys are perfectly happy with their life, that doesn't make it okay to be short.

Maybe they like to be at a disadvantage. Maybe they like to be unattractive. That's not to say that others want to be the same.

Someone might be happy to be desired by a single woman out of millions women despite seen as repulsive by the rest. But others might be not.

I can provide you with all the facts, studies and statistics (just like the ones I posted in this thread and other threads) showing that being short is not okay.

But I don't believe it's necessary, because we all know the truth at this point.

I'm still not understanding you here. 

You say that this forum exists because short men are "isolated" from the rest of society and this forum was created because being short is "bad". But that is not the tag line of the forum and the whole site is branded on the complete opposite of "short = bad". 

If this forum "only existed" because short men are "isolated", then why are there tall guy forums?


I don't think that anyone on this forum, even the "positive people" here won't say something like, "it's better to be short than tall". They, like I know that short isn't the "ideal", but that doesn't meant that you are relegated to some life of doom as you make it out to be.

Like many of the other posters here, I've had girlfriends, I have hook-ups, went to college, have a great job, etc.

The only thing I won't be able to do is join the NBA, but then again, there are short players who had to be really really good to get in, so even that is a possibility.

I think you take the studies you read too seriously to the point where you believe those determine your fate or something and if you get out and live, life isn't really like that.

If you were 4'11 or something, then I could understand the doom and gloom, but you're 5'6. Come on man....


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Re: For you positive cultists who say that men don't need to look good
post #16


Originally posted by guitarhero

You say that this forum exists because short men are "isolated" from the rest of society and this forum was created because being short is "bad". But that is not the tag line of the forum and the whole site is branded on the complete opposite of "short = bad". 

Yes, I completely understand that you people are just trying to be positive. But I like said, there's a difference between being positive and delusional ignorant.


Originally posted by guitarhero

If this forum "only existed" because short men are "isolated", then why are there tall guy forums?

You should have included r/tall also. There are also real negatives effects of being extremely tall also like 6'6" and above. Especially if you are a woman and as tall as 6'1" more, that could be a serious problem too.


Originally posted by guitarhero

I don't think that anyone on this forum, even the "positive people" here won't say something like, "it's better to be short than tall". 


Take a look at this one for instance:

His exact words "Why would you "need" to be taller?" He's literally discouraging people from being taller (even if there was a safe way to do so). And then he gave all these non-sense laughable reasons of why being tall is bad:

"See, and if these people did grow taller, they'd be more of a target for divorce, rape accusations, alimony, child support and they'd be miserable like many of my taller friends who had options galore when it came to women." 

So you are incorrect to say that people on this forum won't think that way. And this is exactly the kind of post that annoys me.


Originally posted by guitarhero

They, like I know that short isn't the "ideal", but that doesn't meant that you are relegated to some life of doom as you make it out to be.

Like many of the other posters here, I've had girlfriends, I have hook-ups, went to college, have a great job, etc.

Originally posted by guitarhero

I think you take the studies you read too seriously to the point where you believe those determine your fate or something and if you get out and live, life isn't really like that.

If you were 4'11 or something, then I could understand the doom and gloom, but you're 5'6. Come on man....

And what exactly are you referring to by this 'doom'?

I never said you couldn't go to college because you're short.

I never said you couldn't make money because you're short.

I never said you couldn't get married and start a family because you're short.

I said that short men in general are not seen as sexually desirable like tall men, which is not wrong.

Again, this depends on how short you are.

There is a point where you're just too short to be found sexually attractive by pretty much any woman.

There is a point where you're too short for some women, but still acceptable for other women.

I'm not trying to underestimating your achievement.

But to fair, I don't know these girlfriends/hook-ups you got.

I don't know how many of them. How they look like. What's their heights. What's their motivations. Whether they're truly sexually attracted to you or did you give them anything else at all in return.

I don't need the answers, but you get my point.


Originally posted by guitarhero

The only thing I won't be able to do is join the NBA, but then again, there are short players who had to be really really good to get in, so even that is a possibility.

Not exactly. There are professions that require certain height too.

Take this one for an example:

So again, I'm sorry to say that it's incorrect to say that NBA is the only thing you can't do because of your height.

Last Edited By batmanbegins (2020-09-19 20:19:25)

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Re: For you positive cultists who say that men don't need to look good
post #17

woman are significantly more "shallow" than a man is, a man is able to have sex with anything and not blink an eye, but a woman has to be more selective with who she is with (pregnancies last 9 months), so if you are a short guy unless she is a gold digger and are going to be her meal ticket, I am guessing she is going to want nothing to do with you if she is at least a 6 or higher on a scale of 1-10

I actually used to buy into the myth that be a "nice guy" or "funny" or whatever might win you over a girl, and it may help, but woman are really looking for good genes as it is basically human nature, so a short guy or a really ugly guy is pretty much screwed, while all a female really has to do is stay in shape and she will be diserable to a guy

Last Edited By d11221 (2020-09-19 22:18:41)

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Re: For you positive cultists who say that men don't need to look good
post #18


Originally posted by d11221

woman are significantly more "shallow" than a man is, a man is able to have sex with anything and not blink an eye, but a woman has to be more selective with who she is with (pregnancies last 9 months), so if you are a short guy unless she is a gold digger and are going to be her meal ticket, I am guessing she is going to want nothing to do with you if she is at least a 6 or higher on a scale of 1-10

I actually used to buy into the myth that be a "nice guy" or "funny" or whatever might win you over a girl, and it may help, but woman are really looking for good genes as it is basically human nature, so a short guy or a really ugly guy is pretty much screwed, while all a female really has to do is stay in shape and she will be diserable to a guy

But men of all heights who have money attract gold diggers. That's not something that is exclusive to short men.

"Nice guys" will attract damaged women, no matter their height... Especially if the "nice guy" isn't socialized, damaged women will pick up on that and take advantage. 

Just go watch those red pill videos of men who've been played, divorced and taken for everything, flaked on dates, cheated on. The men complaining aren't even close to being a majority short.

The problem is society is living on information overload right now. You all take this "short guys are doomed" thing as gospel which is where a lot of people with this mindset's cynicism comes from.