Gamer douche bag

Short Knight
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Gamer douche bag
post #1

I will just qoute him and let you post your thoughts...


"i'm 6'2 white guy(w/ shoes) w/o shoes i'm 6' 1/2, and it bugs me that cloud is only 5 foot 7
the average male height is 5'10 in the united states. 
iono, i just can't take cloud seriously being 5 foot 7.. It's more of a psychological thing i guess
i know this thread has been made before but i really can't relate to a main protagonist especially if he's 5'7... Why can't they just have zack be the main protagonist? he's 6'3
anyone agree with me?"

Short Knight
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Re: Gamer douche bag
post #2

Well, I guess I would say this is the average "full of myself" guy who would let something so stupid in a video game, not even real life, bother him.

Short Knight
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Re: Gamer douche bag
post #3

I know I am not short or anything outside of my family, but wth is this!? I would never knock a game for a short chracter! Heck, one of my favorite super heros is Wolverine and he is like what, 5'6!? What is this world coming to...

Short Knight
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Re: Gamer douche bag
post #4

Calling him a douche is a compliment. I am trying to think of what to say about this without swearing here... I will just leave it at this : guys like this don't deserve to play video games or even be online.