Gay short men vs Straight short men

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Gay short men vs Straight short men
post #1

Who has a harder time in the dating world? I am starting to believe that much like straight tall men wanting shorter women, there are plenty of gay tall men who want shorter men. Thoughts?

Mr Dixon
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Re: Gay short men vs Straight short men
post #2

Straight short men. I know a few gay guys from work and they always joke with me saying I am the perfect height. Weird as it is I think tall gay men are like tall straight men. 

Dark Willow
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Re: Gay short men vs Straight short men
post #3

I can't say I know for sure, not many are around here. I know a gay couple down the road from me and they are both on the shorter side. 

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Re: Gay short men vs Straight short men
post #4

I never thought about this really but I can see why this may be a thing. I know a few gay fellas but they never really spoke on a height preference... Not that we talk about that haha

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Re: Gay short men vs Straight short men
post #5

Straight guys all the way. Lets me real, there are far more straight men then short gay men. 


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Re: Gay short men vs Straight short men
post #6

There is nothing close to the amount of crap shorter men put up with in the dating world with picky women. I am sick of them complaining about heels, height, weight, blah blah. They are worse when it comes to looks than men but they deny deny deny.