Guy "invents" chair to make you grow taller.

Short Lord
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Height Growth
Guy "invents" chair to make you grow taller.
post #1

He uses it for ten days. More entertaining than anything else, but all of the people in the comments are cheering him on and giving him ideas to make his invention "work" better. He mentions a lot of "scientific" claims in the beginning of the video and postulates that he is looking for a "less invasive way" of getting taller than cosmetic leg-lengthening. 

I looked at this as more of entertainment and so should you, though he has believers in the comments. 

Short Baron
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Re: Guy "invents" chair to make you grow taller.
post #2

That guy believes that 10 days on a DIY chair is going to give him permanent height? 

It looks like he posts videos every week or so.

Let's see him do a follow up showing that his new height has remained.