Halloween In July

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Halloween In July
post #1

So my friend is having a part on July 31st. He is going to start doing Halloween in July because he is always out of town on buisness in October. This way him and his wife get to enjoy the holdays.. blah blah lol 


To my question... What would be a good costume for a shorter man? I want something fun and creative. Mind you, it will likely be like 70-80 something outside. Nothing too hot! haha

Dark Willow
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Re: Halloween In July
post #2

Depending on your hair color, Mario is always a great one to pick, specially if you have a taller friend to go as Luigi. Bonus if you can grow your own stache! haha

Mr Dixon
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Re: Halloween In July
post #3

Never heard of this but it sounds like it would be a blast! haha As far as costumes go, I am guessing anything goes but you don't wanna be the "short batman" or something right?

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Re: Halloween In July
post #4

Since it is going to be hot, it is hard to say. I mean there isn't much to choose from that wont make you bake. What is your build? You can do something simple and just go as a doctor or something maybe??

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Re: Halloween In July
post #5

I agree on doing something basic. Dress up as a doc, or police man, something simple that wont be super stuffy. 

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Re: Halloween In July
post #6

Wolverine. You are the right height and if you got the build, do it! Think of it this way, you can wear jeans, a tank, boots, some claws, and a wig (if you need it). You wont be hot at all.

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Re: Halloween In July
post #7

Thanks for all the suggestions but Wolverine is by far the best. I don't know why I didn't think of that!! Thanks Spider!


Going to do this look. I have the hair, I will have to try to grow out my sideburns though. haha


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Re: Halloween In July
post #8

Post a pic if you can, I gotta see what you ended up looking like haha