Has a woman ever asked you to wear lifts?

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Has a woman ever asked you to wear lifts?
post #1

My friend's brother is on the short side, about 5'4 and his girlfriend is 5'2. I guess they went to this work thing of hers and she wanted to wear some heels that put her an inch taller than him so she MADE him wear lifts in already thick shoes so he would be abou 5'6+. This seems wrong to me.

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Re: Has a woman ever asked you to wear lifts?
post #2

Never had this happen but I can tell you one thing, is a woman even tried to make me do this, I would tell her to kick rocks. WEAR FLATS if you are that worried!

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Re: Has a woman ever asked you to wear lifts?
post #3

I wore them at my wedding just because my wife wanted to wear heels which she never wears. It put my about an inch and a half taller. I offered this to her because she wanted us to be about the same height for our wedding pictures.

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Re: Has a woman ever asked you to wear lifts?
post #4


Originally posted by Larry

I wore them at my wedding just because my wife wanted to wear heels which she never wears. It put my about an inch and a half taller. I offered this to her because she wanted us to be about the same height for our wedding pictures.

You are a true gentleman. I would have never offered and told her to wear flats. LOL I am not a fan of wearing them no matter to circumstance. 

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Re: Has a woman ever asked you to wear lifts?
post #5

Asking is one thing but forcing... That just shows she is embarrassed to be seen with him with her work friends.